The management and protection of the personal data of the visitor / user of the services of the site is subject to the terms of this text as well as to the relevant provisions of the Greek Law 2472/1997 on the Protection of Individuals from the Protection of Personal Data as it has been supplemented by the decisions of the Chairman of the Commission for the Protection of Personal Data, P.D. 207/1998 and 79/2000 and Article 8 of Law 2819/2000) and European Directives 95/46 / EC and 97/66 /EC).
These terms are formulated taking into account both the rapid development of technology and in particular the Internet and the existing legislation on these issues. In any case,
If a visitor / user does not agree with the privacy terms provided in this document, he / she ought not to use the services of the site.
This site was created to provide visitors with information and services. Its use is governed by these terms and conditions, which visitors are required to read carefully and comply with. In any case, the visitor’s stay on the pages of this site and the use of any information provided through these pages implies unconditional acceptance of these terms and conditions.
Minors are forbidden to visit the websites of this site, as they are restricted to adults. If minors voluntarily visit websites or make use of services accessible through the pages of this website which may be considered inappropriate or harmful to them, the administrators of this site bear no responsibility.
These terms and conditions are likely to change without notice in the future. However, this page will always state the current terms and conditions for the use of this site.
This site is used “as is” without the possibility of modifications or other interventions by non-certified visitors.
This site is likely to refer through links, hyperlinks or banners to other websites whose providers also have full (civil and criminal) responsibility for the security, lawfulness and validity of the content of the websites and services excluding any responsibility of the owner of this site, including, but not limited to, intellectual and industrial property rights or any third party’s rights. Therefore, visitors are required to comply with the terms of use of these websites and to contact their service providers directly for anything arising from their visit and / or use.
Apart from specific third-party (intellectual and other) rights, all content contained on this website (for example, trademarks, insignia, photographs, texts and all archives in general) is a proprietary intellectual property of the owners and is protected by the relevant provisions of Greek, Community and international law. This content may not in whole or in part be the subject of trade, copying, modification, reproduction, retransmission, or transmitted or distributed in any way by any user.
Visitors accept, agree and agree that they will make reasonable and appropriate use of this site, subject, among other things, to the legislation on the transmission of data from Greece to Member States of the European Union and third countries. Therefore, visitors, by way of indication and not limitation, agree not to use this site for:
a) To cause harm to a minor.
b) Transmit or access content that:
i) violates any third party rights (eg, intellectual and industrial property),
ii) offends the personality of third parties (eg libel, racist),
iii) contrasts with law and fair and honest practices,
iv ) harasses in any way the private life and the individual and social rights of third parties.1. c) Mislead anybody as to the origin of the content of this site, damage the reputation of the owners or third parties in any way, compromise the security of their network, prevent any visitor from accessing this site or any service is housed in the network of owners or bypassing their identity check from them.
2. d) Install and promote in any way any kind of unsolicited or unauthorized advertising or unsolicited spam, pyramid systems and any other form of unwanted content promotion, as well as install and promote advertisements without the written consent of owners.
ε) To install, promote and / or distribute content containing software viruses or any other electronic code, files or programs designed to interfere, destroy or restrict the operation of any software or telecommunications equipment or prevent other visitors from using this site.
In any case of illegal or contrary to the present Terms of Use of this site, visitors are required to indemnify owners for any positive and consequential damages. The non-exercise by the beneficiaries of these present Terms of Rights does not imply their resignation from their rights. 8. To access certain services or to connect to certain websites, visitors may be asked to provide visitor information to provide access code (s). The foregoing must always be true, accurate, valid and complete. Visitors are responsible for all acts performed by the password and are required to promptly notify the owner of the company of any unauthorized use of this and any (and even possible) security breach. This information is not disclosed by the owners to third parties in any circumstances. Owners are not responsible for any damage or damage that may result from the unauthorized or unlawful use of the password by third parties due to leakage or for any other reason and they reserve the right to claim compensation from the visitor if they suffer any kind damage from unauthorized or illegal use of the password. Owners are at any time entitled to refuse to grant a password or to cancel a granted password or to terminate the provision of such services to the visitor and to refuse any current or future use of this site in case of violation of the Terms of Use. 9. Owners are not liable to users for any personal data leakage due to their use, through the pages of this site, of third party products and services. 10. Owners can use session cookies to identify the visitor. The session cookies are small pieces of code stored in the visitor’s computer memory, they do not know any document or file from their computer and are only used to facilitate visitor access to specific services and (sometimes) for statistical purposes in order to determine the areas in which the services of this site are useful or popular or for marketing purposes. A visitor can set up his server so he does not receive session cookies, either overall or on a case-by-case basis. In such a case the visitor will not be able to have further access to these services.
Privacy Policy: User information (name, e-mail address, home address, landline, mobile phone, etc.) and transactions of users of the e-shop are treated as confidential. Users, when providing their data in their transactions, agree and accept the forthcoming processing of such personal data for the needs of the smooth and easy exchange between the parties, as well as the transmission of these data to recipients who will are specifically defined and are the employees of the company in the context of the execution of the trained contract. Ensures that only authorized employees have access to transaction information and only when necessary, e.g. to handle orders.
Our Company undertakes not to disclose the details of its customers and transactions unless it has a written authorization from them or it is imposed by a court decision or a decision of another public authority.
Security & Privacy
All information relating to user’s personal data is protected as confidential by the observance of the applicable laws on the protection of personal data. The security of the E-shop is achieved by the following procedures:
-Customer Recognition: The codes used to identify the user / client are two:
1. A) the Username and 2. B) The Secret Password,
Every time the user / customer registers them he / she gains full access to his / her personal information. It is given the ability to change the secret password as often as desired. The only person who has access to his / her data is himself through the above codes and is solely responsible for maintaining his / her secrecy by third parties. If it is lost or leaked, it should notify us otherwise, otherwise we are not responsible for the use of the password by an unauthorized person. Our online store does not in any way disclose or disclose personal information and user / customer information. Personal data is used solely for the proper execution of transactions.
-Ensuring the Privacy of Your Personal Data Transmission: To ensure the confidentiality of data transfer, the SSL-128bit encryption protocol is used.
-Encryption: From the start-up to the end-of-line session with the online store, all user-client information and personal data are encrypted using the 128-bit SSL encryption protocol. Encryption is essentially a way of encoding information until it reaches its recipient, which will be able to decode it using the appropriate key. Each time it connects to the online store, all communication between the user’s computer and our website is encrypted using a 128-bit key.
-Password: In order to enter the online store, the user uses two passwords, the Username and the Security Password. The online store allows the user to change the secret password as often as he or she wants.
IP ADRESSES: The IP address through which the PC has access to the Internet and then to the site is recorded and utilized solely for the collection of statistics relating to the tracking of traffic to the site.
These Terms and Conditions of Use and any amendments thereto are governed by Greek law. Any dispute arising under this Convention shall be determined by the courts of Piraeus.